Since most of our students are reviewing for their Final Exams and are practically in Winter Break mode already (thank you, Global Warming), I have more free time than I could possibly handle. No trainings, no grammar tests to finish and no tiyanakofastudent to bring out the heinous bitch in me and not counting the fact that I am not very big on socializing (with co-workers, that is), so what’s a bored girl like me to do?
I don’t normally get THIS bored in front of a computer, you see. You can leave me anywhere for hours on end as long as there is WIFI, I’m a happy camper. BUT most of my daily dose of trash were BLOCKED by these wonderful guys from IT . So here I am in my teensy small cube with a broken camera and all the time in the world camwhoring away. So, I am probably gonna be sending this photo to them sweet IT guys just so they’d believe my camera’s broken, but then again, I might get an IR for shamelessly using company’s resources for whatever purpose this may serve to my other career as a ___________. Technology can be a bitch sometimes. Le sigh.