Friday, September 28, 2012


stand-in / stylist/Girl Maoy.

 grab a copy of Philippine Daily Inquirer or CDN this sunday :)
mahangin sa labas.
cinnabunny from Phoebe's Cupcakery. heavenly!
for yanyan :)
#guapohathisguy #KPopNight #payphone #callhimmaybe
no need to coerce these guys into belting out the "latest" EMO/boyband/kpop/beyonce hits 

the mimings without edd
sleep is for the weak. yes, jem and dave? haha
 pretty girl friends and their tanduay.
NFF lea and her minolta
durian macaroons is love.
what sofa? maoy night turned epic night. we are really sorry, MAYA. swear.
their continuous effort into making me a pizza lover. good luck, guys. ahlarbyew, nevertheless.
photos from mine, mond, tine and jems IG